Scheduling Actions

This guide will help you understand how to set up schedules, like daily restarts using the pterodactyl panel.

Hey there XGamers! 

In this guide, we will go over scheduling actions to go off at predetermined times for your server.

First, you want to go to your server panel and go to its menu. There, you will find a tab called Schedules.




Here is where all your schedules will be located in one convenient place. To add a new schedule, click the Create New button. Here, enter a name for your schedule and enter a valid timing for it. Basically, you have to specify which day or which week of which month get triggered and in what hours. You can also specify actions which get triggered every hour and so on. - We would suggest using a generator to make sure you can set the timing of the schedule perfectly. Keep in mind all Xgamingservers run on Universal Standard Time (UTC), so make sure your schedules reflect that.

Once finished, click create and open it from the list. Here, click 'New Task'



The final section is what it will send as a command or as a power action. Commands should be used without the “/” in it and doesn’t accept variables. You could send a power action, which you can have turn off the server. If you use “stop”, the server will stop itself. Available power actions (case-sensitive) are:

Command Description
start Starts up the server
stop Stops the server
restart Stops then start up the server
kill Kills the server (Not recommended!)

Here you can also specify a delay. This is useful in cases where you have to give a warning to your players 5 minutes before a restart for example.

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