Below is a list of the most common commands that you can input into your servers XGamingServer Panel Console;

ban <playername> [reason] Blacklists the name playername from the server so that they can no longer connect. Note: Bans supersede any whitelisting in place. Always succeeds.
ban-ip <ip-address | playername> Blacklists an IP address so that all subsequent connecti.ons from it are rejected. ip-address must be valid orplayername must be online.
banlist [ips] Displays the banlist. To display banned IP addresses, use the command "banlist ips" Always succeeds.
deop <playername> Revokes a player's operator status. Always succeeds.
kick <playername> [reason] Forcibly disconnects playername from the server, displaying an optionalreason to them. Playername must be online.
list Shows the names of all currently-connected players (the same can be achieved when pressing tab) Always succeeds, even in a command block.
op <playername> Grants playername operator status on the server. Always succeeds.
pardon <playername> Removes playername from the blacklist, allowing them to connect again. Always succeeds.
pardon <ip-address | playername> Removes ip-address from the IP blacklist, allowing players from that IP address to connect to the server. ip-address must be valid.
save-all Forces the server to write all pending changes to the world to disk. Always succeeds.
save-off Disables the server writing to the world files. All changes will temporarily be queued. Always succeeds.
save-on Enables the server writing to the world files. This is the default behavior. Always succeeds.
stop Gracefully shuts down the server. Always succeeds.
whitelist <add | remove> <playername> Adds or removes playername from the whitelist. Always succeeds.
whitelist list Displays all players in the whitelist. Always succeeds.
whitelist <on | off> Enables/disables the server's use of a whitelist. Note: Server ops will always be able to connect when the whitelist is active, even if their names do not appear in the whitelist. Always succeeds.
whitelist reload Reloads the list of playernames in white-list.txt from disk (used when white-list.txt has been modified outside of Minecraft). Always succeeds.
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