Below is a list of the most common commands that you can input into your servers XGamingServer Panel Console;
ban <playername> [reason] | Blacklists the name playername from the server so that they can no longer connect. Note: Bans supersede any whitelisting in place. | Always succeeds. |
ban-ip <ip-address | playername> | Blacklists an IP address so that all subsequent connecti.ons from it are rejected. | ip-address must be valid orplayername must be online. |
banlist [ips] | Displays the banlist. To display banned IP addresses, use the command "banlist ips" | Always succeeds. |
deop <playername> | Revokes a player's operator status. | Always succeeds. |
kick <playername> [reason] | Forcibly disconnects playername from the server, displaying an optionalreason to them. | Playername must be online. |
list | Shows the names of all currently-connected players (the same can be achieved when pressing tab) | Always succeeds, even in a command block. |
op <playername> | Grants playername operator status on the server. | Always succeeds. |
pardon <playername> | Removes playername from the blacklist, allowing them to connect again. | Always succeeds. |
pardon <ip-address | playername> | Removes ip-address from the IP blacklist, allowing players from that IP address to connect to the server. | ip-address must be valid. |
save-all | Forces the server to write all pending changes to the world to disk. | Always succeeds. |
save-off | Disables the server writing to the world files. All changes will temporarily be queued. | Always succeeds. |
save-on | Enables the server writing to the world files. This is the default behavior. | Always succeeds. |
stop | Gracefully shuts down the server. | Always succeeds. |
whitelist <add | remove> <playername> | Adds or removes playername from the whitelist. | Always succeeds. |
whitelist list | Displays all players in the whitelist. | Always succeeds. |
whitelist <on | off> | Enables/disables the server's use of a whitelist. Note: Server ops will always be able to connect when the whitelist is active, even if their names do not appear in the whitelist. | Always succeeds. |
whitelist reload | Reloads the list of playernames in white-list.txt from disk (used when white-list.txt has been modified outside of Minecraft). | Always succeeds. |